Big Small Wins

Hello Awesomers!

I hope you are all well or at least getting better. I have noticed sometimes I/we are too hard on ourselves and we forget to see the little good we achieve from time to time. So I decided to write this blog post as a reminder to myself and you that we don't have to be hard on ourselves. We deserve a break from ourselves.

Simple things like washing dishes before 15H30 or waking up at 04H30 in the morning are achievements. If you said you were going to do something and you manage to do it, that's an achievement. Small wins eventually contribute greatly in your life. You can choose to look at them as good habits but I choose to look at them as wins because sometimes doing anything is really a lot of work. Sometimes something as simple as waking up can be a mission and being able to do that (no matter how hard it was to drag yourself) without a hassle is an achievement.

"Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, they are a lifestyle to be lived" - James Clear

We win everyday and I wish for all of us to be able to look back at our days and be able to point out some of the things we did well. Let us not be our own enemies. Recognise and acknowledge your wins. Sometimes because this is life, you will lose but that's not where your focus should be. Lose, get up, learn and move on.

Define your own achievements daily and pat yourself in the back for doing well.

Your life gets better when you are better and I hope we all continue bettering ourselves.

Don't look down on yourself. You are awesome and guess what...if you made it this far, you just achieved something.

Stay Awesome!!


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