Commit to yourself

Hi Awesomers!

I hope you are all well and everything in your lives is going well too. I know most people around this time complain about year end fatigue, if you are suffering from it I hope you get your much needed rest.

Today I just wanted to share with you the power of will and how I believe that if you really want to do something, you will do it and you won't make up any excuses. I do understand that there are people who suffer from mental illness and sometimes it becomes hard for them to complete tasks which may seem easy to us. If you do suffer from mental illness please get in touch with a professional and try to seek help.

In July I started with intentional exercising, I say intentional because I had been exercising before and instead of achieving my goals, the results were fluctuating. I made a decision when the second half of the year started that I will achieve my goals and I did. In 26 days I lost 5kg because I made a decision and stuck to it. I did not make any excuses and I knew my limits. Sometimes we stop ourselves from achieving our goals because we do not stick to our decisions and in as much as we have made a commitment, we find a way to make excuses and not pull through.

I have been maintaining my weight ever since and I am doing great because I made a decision that I want to take care of myself and I am sticking to it because if I don't take care of myself, nobody will.

This is to say whatever you are trying to do or want to do, you can. Make a decision, commit to it and show up. This is not to say force yourself to do things but it is merely saying, show up to the decisions you have made to yourself and know your limits, if you can't today, there's still tomorrow. I read somewhere some time ago that whatever commitment you have made to yourself, never miss twice. This basically means if you have planned to drink water everyday and you miss Monday, then Tuesday you have to make sure that you drink your water.

You need to be able to make commitments to yourself and really commit, that's where everything starts - with you! Stop looking for excuses to not do something you have decided on because trust me, you will find an excuse.

I really hope that you find it in yourself to be yourself and commit to yourself.
The answer is yes, you can commit to yourself, start with the little stuff. If you can't commit to yourself and follow through with decisions you have made, how will you commit to other people? Everything starts with you!

Have a wonderful day and stay awesome!!


Ayanda Being Awesome!


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